
18 Posts

The tree of life-Genesis


River Dance – for violin and piano

I am incredibly happy to present to you the waltz "River Dance" performed by the maestros Julius Aria Sahbai - Violinist and Nikoleta Kocheva,...

Mother’s soul

"Mother's Soul," my musical creation, is a piece dedicated to the most important person in my life - my mother. This instrumental composition for...

“Moonlight Sonata”: Discovering the secrets of a masterpiece

Welcome to "Stories behind the scores" dedicated to the musical creations of the great composers! Today, we will explore one of the...

In memoriam

"In memoriam" is my first piano composition. The notes and tears were flowing simultaneously, I was detached from reality... because my father had ascended...

Lacrima Pacis

A year of war in Ukraine. Terror, cruelty and despair in 365 days that reset the world. Thousands of people - killed, millions of Ukrainians...

Alex Kravtsoff la „Interviu cu Soroceni” / VIDEO

Alex Kravtsoff, compozitor, fost prezentator TV, interpret și ex-membru al trupei “ReGaL”, este invitatul emisiunii “Interviu cu soroceni” din această săptămână, realizată de redacția...

Legends of the fall


The Storm


Fairy tale time


Fără cravată cu Alex Kravtsoff

— Cât de des porți cravata? — La moment foarte rar, am trecut la papion. Când eram un pic mai tânăr, obișnuiam să port cravata...

So sehen Neuzuzüger die Gemeinde Wil

05Am Sonntag lud der Quartierverein Bronschhofen Neuzuzüger zu seinem Grillplausch ein. Die WN schauten vorbei und fragten bei den neuen Wilern und Bronschhofern nach,...

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The tree of life-Genesis


River Dance – for violin and piano

I am incredibly happy to present to you the waltz "River Dance" performed by the maestros Julius Aria Sahbai - Violinist and Nikoleta Kocheva,...

Mother’s soul

"Mother's Soul," my musical creation, is a piece dedicated to the most important person in my life - my mother. This instrumental composition for...

“Moonlight Sonata”: Discovering the secrets of a masterpiece

Welcome to "Stories behind the scores" dedicated to the musical creations of the great composers! Today, we will explore one of the...